Our volunteers make it happen!

Whether it be packing lunches for Grand Junction Mutual Aid or picking up trash twice a year on Horizon Drive, volunteers make a difference. CSLGJ depends on volunteers to handle many of the routine activities of the Center, from running the sound booth to maintaining our facility. Click here to see the list of volunteer opportunities.

Nearly every member and most regular attendees are involved in some form of Sacred Service to CSLGJ. We are better for it, and so are they! 

Meet Rev. Anna Scott, Senior Minister

Rev. Anna Scott knows first-hand the healing power of prayer. She loves people and meets them right where they are. She is enthusiastic and truly believes that we are all One. Rev. Anna uses deep spiritual wisdom combined with a great sense of humor in empowering people to live their fullest and richest life. She is authentic and loving and her deepest desire is for all people to realize their own Divine Magnificence and Potential.


Rev. Anna began her spiritual journey …

Meet our Ecclesiastic Team

Rev. Sheryl Rogers (top photo) and Rev. Jyoti DeVernie are sharing the ecclesiastical duties with Rev. Anna Scott, starting in December 2019.

Rev. Sheryl served as Senior Minister at Center for Spiritual Living Grand Junction prior to 2001.

Rev. Jyoti recently retired as Senior Minister at Center for Spiritual Living Boulder Valley.

Our Practitioners

CSLGJ has several Professional Practitioners. They are skilled in the art and science of spiritual mind treatment and healing; teachers of Truth; active, loyal and supporting members of their spiritual community; and role models for other spiritual seekers. They spend a minimum of five years of study, focusing on  skills and responsibilities of the Professional Practitioner. Their study covers their relationships to clients, to the process of healing, to their spiritual community, to their global community, and to the world. They apply what they’ve learned to assist others on their path of evolution and to teach them to live a life of their choice and to live their lives fully.

If you are struggling with a situation and want to manifest something different in your life, click here to submit a prayer request and our practitioners will pray for your request daily until you see the outcome you desire.

Contact a practitioner directly, if you would like to set up an in-person Spiritual Coaching session for a reasonable fee.

Barbara Bellamy, our wonderful Music Director

Our Music Team

Music opens the heart and lifts the soul! Sunday Celebrations, Rituals and Special Services are filled with community and consciousness-shifting songs provided by our music director, special soloists, and our Sunday music team. There are many opportunities to share your musical talents – on the music team, choir, and through our annual talent and holiday shows.


CSL Grand Junction loves to share New Thought and uplifting music by hosting guest artists through special concerts during the year. Recent performers included Michael Gott and Karen Drucker.


Our Leadership Council

The Leadership Council synthesizes input from our members into clear direction for the CSL Grand Junction community. The Council serves a function similar, but not identical, to a corporate board of trustees. Its responsibilities include, but are not limited to, prioritization, coordination and application of resources, overall health and growth of the spiritual community, communications hub, and the final decision-making body for the Center. Members of the Council are elected.

Click here to find information on how you can put your name in for consideration.

The Spiritual Director is the vision caster and keeper for our Center. She is also a member of the Leadership Council and the Executive Director.