Circles of Life offer unique opportunities to gather with people just like you. We have groups that meet bi-weekly and groups that meet monthly. Check out Not Going Quietly, Power Up! Goddess Circle, Oneness Circle, Spirit Trails Outdoor Adventures, and others.

Scroll down to learn about the Circles of Life and Sanghas at CSLGJ.
Not Going Quietly

This gathering is intended to create a space of empowerment, energy, grace, community, and wisdom for individuals who are 60+ years young. The name of this group was inspired by the book Do Not Go Quietly: A Guide to Living Consciously and Aging Wisely for People Who Weren’t Born Yesterday by George & Sedena Cappannelli.

Meeting Information: 

This group meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, 10:00am to 12noon, at the Center for Spiritual Living Grand Junction at 730 25 Road, Grand Junction (Koinonia), unless otherwise announced.

1st Tuesday of each month this group meets at Main Street Bagels (6th and Main, Grand Junction) (Dutch treat).

3rd Tuesday of each month this group meets at Einstein Bagels on 2546 Rimrock Avenue for coffee at 10:00 am (Dutch treat).

Team Leaders: Barbara Barrett and Paul Barrett

Spirit Trails Outdoor Adventures

This group is intended to engage in fellowship out in nature, hiking and otherwise enjoying the beauty of the Grand Valley.

THIS GROUP IS CURRENTLY WITHOUT A LEADER!  If you’d like to volunteer, contact the office.


Sanghas are intimate groups that meet in people’s homes, offering connecting, spiritual support and ongoing prayer. Find out more about being in a Sangha. You might be able to find or start one in your neighborhood.

What is Sangha?

The term sangha comes from the Buddhist notion of a “spiritual community in practice together.”

At CSL Grand Junction, it is used to describe an intimate group focused on the collective spiritual practice of prayer (affirmative prayer/spiritual mind treatment) and support. In a sangha, we minister to each other!

How does the term “sangha” apply to a small group?

A sangha provides the synergy of group prayer in a sacred container – one that is created, deepened, and richly experienced, together, over time. The discipline of regular communal practice strengthens and evolves our spiritual growth and understanding while increasing our connection with Spirit and each other. Your Sangha becomes the community to which you turn in times of need or celebration for prayer support and powerful demonstration.

A sangha provides that place where we feel safe enough to share, and we do so deeply and honestly. This kind of community is one in which we feel empowered to be who we are and explore who we are becoming while getting support along the way. It is a community in which we know that the Truth of ourselves and others is greater than our history and habits. In a sangha, we see and know the God in each of us.