Spiritual Coaching
A Spiritual Solution
For when you need more than a Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Spiritual Coaching is an opportunity to remember and align with Spiritual Principles and Practices in any area of your life. Learning to align in right thinking, spiritual understanding, and powerful insight empowers you to participate in the creative process of your life.

The power of a Spiritual Coaching session offers you the opportunity to:
- Heal at every level – physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.
- Manifest greater success and well-being in every area of your life.
- Uncover hidden beliefs and replace them with powerful new spiritual understanding.
- Determine spiritual practices best suited for your needs today.
In a sanctuary of active compassion, deep listening and unconditional love, a Licensed Professional Practitioner demonstrates that which is always present – the one law of love – the universal GOD Mind activated by our every thought, word, choice.
There is always a spiritual solution to every condition. Through the constructive use of the mind, your health, peace, abundance, joy, and love express freely.
The CSL Grand Junction Prayer Practitioner Team’s purpose is to be a beneficial presence that reveals Consciousness through prayer, coaching, and service. They are fully trained and dedicated to being in service to our community. When you want or need a Prayer Practitioner, they are here for you.
Our Prayer Practitioners are licensed spiritual coaches available for paid, one-hour sessions. They are available by appointment.
Practitioner Directory
Our Professional Prayer Practitioners

Reverend Jyoti DeVernie
Jyoti DeVernie is a retired CSL minister. She and her wife Mary moved to Grand Junction in October 2019 and are delighted to support Reverend Anna and the CSLGJ community. Jyoti knows from personal experience that the principles of Science of Mind and Spirit work. She uses them in her life and shares them with others. Jyoti’s passion is sharing joy and helping people remember that we are all expressions of the Divine.

Reverend Sheryl Rogers
Science of Mind transformed my life, and continues to do so. My #1 requirement when moving to Grand Junction was to find a Science of Mind church. This is my home.

Candy Stephens, RScP
I have been a Spiritual Practitioner since 2015 and moved to Grand Junction in 2019. I love it here because it's a big playground! I also love being of service within our Spiritual community as well as in the bigger community in the capacity of Victim Advocate. Please allow me to support you if you're experiencing something terrific in your life or experiencing a challenge.

Beverly Aden, RScP
Moving into joy and authenticity has been a residual effect of practicing CSL-Science of Mind principles. Let me support you uncovering and expressing your inner light.

Cindy Robbins, RScP
Throughout my life I have known that there is only One God, One Creator, One Presence in all; including in me and in you. I would welcome the opportunity to explore all of the good that is yours! Ask, believe, receive.

Dale Terry, RScP
I have found joy, fulfillment, and a new life through understanding and using the Truths of Science of Mind. I want to share this way of living so others can also find this joy and contentment.

Deb Smith, RScPE
I became a Practitioner in Houston in 2002 prior to moving to Grand Junction in 2009 to be near to family. I'm always honored to work with people on their spiritual journey. It's a delight to see someone's eyes light up when having an "AHA" moment! Prayer works!

Patty Orin, RScP
I grew up on a ranch in the northeastern prairie of Colorado. It was a wonderful way to grow up with livestock and horse riding. I would enjoy listening to your life stories. Let’s share the wonders of the Divine with one another.

Peggy Buxton, RScP
I was born and raised in Oregon. My favorite place to this day is on the beach of Lincoln City. I became a Licensed Prayer Practitioner to grow and learn my Spiritual truth. I am here for anyone that would like to learn and grow their spiritual journey. Make my day… ask me to pray.

Shelley Sheets
I moved to the Grand Valley from the front range where I had been serving as a practitioner since 2010. I believe as Ernest Holmes said that, “prayer is essential to the conscious well-being of the soul.” I am so grateful to be serving the Grand junction community through prayer and the science of mind principles. My passion is providing support to animals and their guardians.

Could this be you?
CSLGJ will benefit from several more practitioners. Many more prayer requests could be entertained. Many more people could be assisted in transforming their lives. As a practitioner, you will benefit from the sense of satisfaction as you assist others through troubled times, knowing you have made a difference. Contact us if you sense a calling.