Covid 19 Update for CSLGJ May 18, 2021
There are no restrictions required by Mesa County Health Department at
this time. The CDC has lifted the mask mandate for people who have
been vaccinated. CSLGJ is revising the requirements for our center. Know
that this is subject to change depending on the Covid updates that we
receive. We are offering these directives in the most loving way. The
health and well-being of our community is our primary concern.
1. We are a mask friendly community.
2. If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask that you wear your mask at
all times.
3. If you are fully vaccinated, you may wear a mask as you wish.
4. We will discontinue recording names and temperatures at the door.
If you don’t feel well, please stay home.
5. The bookstore room and kitchen will be reopened. No more than
two people at a time in those rooms, please.
6. We will have hand sanitizer and wipes available.
7. Please use your own discretion and intuition to keep everyone safe.
8. Your cooperation is appreciated!